Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Effectiveness of Preceptor-Based Orientation to Mentorship-Based Orientation for New Managed Care Nurses


One of the most significant issues that have come up in managed care nursing is determining the best orientation programs for individuals in this sector. This is especially considering that preceptor have come to take on an important role in helping in the development of the necessary skills that nurses need in the effective care of patients with complex problems. Mentors, on the other hand, are individuals that possess the required skills to teach ne managed care nurses to handle a diversity of situations. A consequence is that both mentors and preceptors have come to be seen as both mentors and role models. In this study, there will be an attempt to determine the effectiveness of a preceptorship-based orientation when compared to a mentorship-based orientation for new managed care nurses.

Background and Significance of the Problem

Managed care is one of the areas that have come to experience significant shortages in nurses and this is likely to become a serious problem in future if it is not taken care of at resent. Most of the managed care nurses that are available are essentially a part of an aging workforce, which means that there is need to make sure that there is the advancement of means through which new nurses are brought in (Buerhaus, Staiger, & Auerbach, 2000; Phillips & Miltner, 2015). However, the method through which they can be provided with training is a significant issue because it involves a situation where there are those that support preceptorship, while others support mentorship. It is important to ensure that younger nurses turn towards managed care means that it is essential for an effective way to orient them to the field to be developed. This process will ensure that they can become more effective in their tasks while at the same time promoting the retention of experience within the field (Cooney, 1992; Ortaliz, 2014). New nurses are in constant need of being provided with the required teaching and mentoring in the areas of the profession that they choose to specialize. This is especially considering that they are expected to take over and become the providers of safe and efficient care for the patients in their watch. Managed care involves a mix of new nurses and those with experience in various specialties and this means that there will be an increase in demand for competent preceptors and mentors who have the ability to effectively teach the manner through which managed nursing care can be delivered in various areas.

Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study

An issue that has come up in nursing in recent years has been the best method of orientation for new managed care nurses. A result has been that preceptorship has been presented as a more effective means of achieving orientation when compared to mentorship. One of the most significant roles that has to be played by preceptors is ensuring that they demonstrate competency in nursing skills while at the same time display effective clinical teaching behaviors so that a positive learning environment can be created. In addition, the orientation process is one that has to be handled with considerable competency, so that it can be possible to impart knowledge and skills to new nurses that are being oriented. A consequence is that orientation has to be handled by individuals that have acquired the necessary skills and training in order to make it possible for those being oriented to achieve safety when it comes to patient care.

Literature Review

The literature selected is aimed at informing the reader concerning the approach that is currently undertaken to ensure that new nurses are oriented. It also intended to impart knowledge concerning the manner through which the quality of orientation can be greatly improved by undertaking strategies that have been designed to advance the effectiveness of nurse preceptors. In this way, it becomes possible to focus all the goals of nursing organizations to the development of their workforce in the managed care field. The literature also deals with a diversity of issues concerning the creation of a healthy work environment that illuminates the need for a smooth professional relationship with the nurses undergoing orientation.


While this concept originated in the 15th century, where it was used as a form of tutoring, it came into use in the final quarter of the twentieth century when there was the creation of intensive care units in hospitals (Ryan-Nicholls, 2004). The rise in the use of this term came about because there was need for nurses overseeing these units to be supervised by more experienced individuals, who were known as preceptors (Ryan-Nicholls, 2004). One of the most significant aspects of orientation is that preceptors are required to ensure that they handle a smaller load of cases so that they can have as their main focus the orientation process. The achievement of the objective of advancing the role of preceptors is important because it involves nurse leaders encouraging these individuals to act as both clinicians and tutors (Edwardson, 2011; Prion et al., 2015). Therefore, preceptors have a role as teachers because it is through their actions that it will be possible to make the orientation process as smooth as possible. In addition, nurses undergoing the process will also be able to meet their learning objectives in such a way that they will be able to transition more effectively to their new area of specialization.


Because of their important role in the orientation process, preceptors have to be well trained so that they can effect meaningful change (Sandau & Halm, 2011). Among the biggest failures that many healthcare organizations have is that they tend to cut education costs in a bid to save costs, but this ends up leading to a situation where some functions are hampered. The preceptor-based orientation program is one of those that end up suffering because its benefits are overlooked. Evidence that has been collected over time shows that the availability of constant support for preceptor-based orientation programs can lead to the achievement of the satisfaction of both preceptors and orientees to such an extent that there is a high retention of the latter (Van Patten, 2014).

Research Question, Hypothesis, and Variables

Research Question

How effective is preceptorship-based orientation compared to mentorship-based orientation for new managed care nurses? This research question will look into the preceptor approach to orientation in comparison to the mentorship one in a bid to show its effectiveness in advancing the orientation experience of new nurses.


The main hypothesis for this study is that the preceptorship-based orientation is more appropriate than mentorship-based orientation because the former is based on experience and guidance that allows orientees the freedom of action needed to become knowledgeable in their fields. Therefore, preceptors have the ability to instill core skills that are critical for new managed care nurses to have.


The dependent variable is the effectiveness of preceptors in delivery of skills and knowledge to those nurses receiving orientation. The independent variable of the study is a preceptor-based orientation allows for the development of characteristics that have a positive impact on the learning experience of those undergoing orientation.



One of the most significant aspects of the sample is that they will involve preceptors and orientees of different ages, experiences, and backgrounds. This diversity of individuals will help in coming up with a proper picture of the situation at hand, especially the manner through which orientation takes place under different contexts.

Sampling Strategy

The strategy that will be adopted in this process will involve a random method, where the researcher will seek out those preceptors and orientees willing to participate in the study. However, it will also consider the backgrounds of the participants in order to come up with as much diversity as possible.

Research Design

A quantitative design will be adopted for this study because it is the best means through which to ensure that there is a greater coverage of the sample (Sousa, Driessnack, & Mendes, 2007). In addition, adopting this design will also allow for objectivity in the study because it will be applied to a diversity of contexts.

Extraneous Variables

A possible extraneous variable involves the possibility of some potential participants declining to participate in the study. This is especially the case if it happens in the last minute because it will require that other participants be found to replace them.


A diversity of literature on the subject matter, especially those concerning preceptorship and orientation will be the main instruments of the study. This will enable the opinions of various experts concerning the orientation process to be analyzed and applied.

Description of the Intervention

The intervention likely to take place will involve seeking to ensure that there is an improvement in preceptorship-based orientation. This will involve better preceptor training and the creation of a good working environment for orientees.

Data Collection Procedures

These procedures will involve a number of actions the first of which is gaining the consent of the participants. In addition, questionnaires will be developed for both preceptors and orientees that will participate in the study.

Data Analysis Plans

The data collected will be analyzed objectively with the aim of better understanding the subject matter while at the same time answering the research question. Moreover, the data collected will be supplemented by literature which will provide a perspective of previous studies and their outcomes in relation to the current one.

Ethical Issues

It is important to ensure that there is the advancement of the interests of the participants of the study. This process will be conducted in such a way that questionnaires will be only be given to the selected participants after having briefed them concerning the objectives of the study. Furthermore, there will be an attempt to ensure that the identity of participants is kept confidential in order to bring about the establishment of means through which they can maintain their privacy.

Limitations of Proposed Study

One of the most significant limitations of the study is that it is quite difficult to conduct a broader study because of the time limit. Furthermore, there is a potential that the very limited information concerning the research question, this study will be delving into an area that has not been concentrated on by many previous studies. This will mean that it will be going into an area which is only just beginning to be studied; with very little reference.

Implications for Practice

This study is essential in advancing the cause of orientation in the context of managed care nursing. Its importance can be seen through the answering of the research question where there will be an attempt to determine whether preceptorship is a more viable orientation method for new nurses than mentorship.

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