Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Providing for students with Severe Disabilities in Uncertain Times


The outbreak of the covid-19 virus across the world has created an environment within which it has become quite difficult for students with severe disabilities to be provided with the best quality of education possible. This situation has come about mainly because of the closure of most schools catering to them, with the result being that these individuals, who already have to receive considerable attention, have ended up not being able to do so. The response by the government has essentially ignored this very vulnerable group and has instead prioritized the education of students without disabilities. The disruption that disabled students have come to have in their education has caused many to be left behind, with the result being that they have not only become more disadvantaged, but also marginalized and invisible to the public. Therefore, it has become pertinent for the government and its partners in the private sector to ensure that students with disabilities are provided with the same opportunities to learn as their abled counterparts. This process is one that should involve a consideration of the needs of these individuals and how they can be implemented. This paper considers the manner through which students with severe disabilities can be provided with the facilities they need during the uncertain times under covid-19.

One of the most important factors that should be considered is the assessment of accommodations. This is a process that involves educators, as well as parents, making assessments concerning the living and learning conditions of students in order for there to be an effective means to enhance their learning (Soria et al., 2020). One of the examples of the way that accommodations can be improved is through the use of alternatives to print media and the introduction of other formats that can be used for the teaching process. The latter could involve the use of audio or visual formats as well as pictures for instruction, which allow for the attainment of the goal of promoting an enhancement of the learning experience for students. It is also noteworthy that there should be a process within which there is the development of flexible scheduling and deadlines, which not only ensure that the students feel comfortable within the learning environment, but are also more willing to work hand in hand with their tutors. Also, the introduction and extensive use of assistive technology could ensure that the various disabilities of the students are overcome to an extent so that they can be provided with the means through which to enjoy their learning in addition to getting more out of it.

Moreover, there is the need to ensure that students with severe disabilities are provided with curricula and instructions that have been modified. The modification of learning instructions is pertinent during these uncertain times because there is a world of difference when it comes to the way that students interact with their material when considered in relation to the way that the learning experience was provided prior to the pandemic (Baber, 2020). Under such circumstances, it is necessary for tutors and parents to work hand in hand in order to make sure that there is the adjustment of curricula in order to reflect the adjustment of expectations. In this way, there should be a process within which the homework that is given to the students is simplified, while at the same time creating an environment within which students are allowed to dictate rather than type their work. Also, there is the need for there to be the use of audio materials so that the students involved can be allowed to more effectively undertake reading assignments. This goal is one that is designed to make life easier for students while at the same time making sure that there is the creation of an environment where more effective learning can be attained.

Furthermore, there should be a process that allows for the utilization of the universal design for learning. The latter is extremely pertinent because it allows teachers to reach a diversity of students. In this case, severely disabled students can be handled at a more personalized level, with the result being that their confidence in themselves and their capabilities is greatly strengthened (Toquero, 2020). In addition, it becomes possible for there to be a monitoring process of how students are able to demonstrate knowledge as well as learn. This ensures that they are not only critical to the enhancement of the learning process, but it also provides the students involved an opportunity to show the extent of their knowledge, which can be used for practical purposes. Tutors, on the other hand, are provided with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of each of the students in their care and what works best for them. It makes it possible for there to be the creation of a comfortable learning environment within which each of the students is provided with a personalized learning experience that helps them to enhance their learning experience. Thus, the use of the universal design of learning makes students more active within the learning environment.

In addition, there should be the implementation of learning that is project-based. This is a recommendation based on studies that show that students with disabilities are more likely to learn more through the use of research and analysis that leads to the completion of projects (Dinnel, 2020). This type of learning is also critical because it allows for the enhancement of engagement between students and tutors as well as the improvement of self-esteem. A consequence of this scenario is that students can be given an opportunity to not only feel that they have the attention of tutors, but also learn more through greater interaction with the material that they have been provided to complete projects. Tutors are a critical part of this type of learning because it is they who provide the leadership for the entire process, and identify the unique abilities and needs of their students. In this way, it becomes possible to make sure that there is the enhancement of the learning process through tutors’ designing and introducing assignments, while also ensuring that all the students in the class understand how to complete the said assignments. The learning process is therefore not only enhanced by the presence of tutors, but it also allows students to work for themselves towards the attainment of knowledge.

The implementation of an individualized education program is another means through which students with disabilities can be provided for. This process is one that requires and encourages families, parents, students, and educators to work hand in hand towards ensuring that the students are provided with the best learning environment possible (Rodriguez & Murawski, 2020). This is especially the case when one considers that the prevalent conditions in the pandemic have, in some cases, made remote learning a necessity. Therefore, the remote learning setting is one that has essentially become the new normal for some students with severe disabilities, meaning that it has become necessary for them to be provided with the best possible environment to study. The cooperation between all the stakeholders in the education of the students is a critical way of making sure that the best possible way to proceed with the learning process is attained. A highly individualized learning process ensures that there is the consideration of the learning needs of the student and works towards enhancing their experience through the involvement of all the individuals that have a stake in their education. Through the implementation of this program, students are able to continue with their education without the constant worry of the potential of their learning process being significantly hampered by the pandemic.

In conclusion, the provision of necessary facilities for students with severe disabilities during these uncertain times living with the covid-19 pandemic is a critical process. This is because it ensures that these students have the resources, comfort, and confidence to continue learning within the prevailing circumstances. Students are provided with the resources and means to interact more closely with their tutors to such an extent that they are able to not only learn more, but also build their self-esteem. Therefore, the provision of needed resources to enhance the learning of students with severe disabilities should be a prominent goal among policy makers in government.

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