Matan, Rimkeeree, Mawson, et al (2006) argue that cinnamon sticks can be quite risky for pregnant women who use it to induce labor because it creates a situation where they are at risk of suffering from toxicity accumulation. This is especially the case where it is used for an extended period without attaining the intended results and this might create a situation where there the woman who uses them ends up developing some serious health problems. These problems might lead to a situation where the baby is also put at risk because high toxicity levels in the mother as a result of high consumption of cinnamon might be fatal for the baby. This is a situation which has to be avoided at all costs and it requires that expectant mothers desist from using large amounts of cinnamon sticks in trying to induce labor. This study is useful because it shows that despite the common assumption that the use of cinnamon induces labor, there are instances where it does not work and an increase in the amount consumed will not help in any way. As a matter of fact, it might create a situation where the mother puts her baby at risk and this might cause a situation where there is little that can be done to save it. However, this study fails to show for how long a mother can take cinnamon sticks before it becomes risky and it is essential that such figures be shown to ensure that there is more sensitization in the society concerning the risks involved. The study does not have interviews with women who have suffered the risks involved in cinnamon toxicity firsthand because information from these women would have been insightful in not only developing conclusions, but would also have increased the credibility of the study. Despite the lack of interviews in the methodology, this study shows that while cinnamon might be harmless for those who use it on a regular basis, it carries some serious risks for expectant mothers and it is essential that it only be used sparingly or in small doses in situations where they wish to induce labor.
Like the one that has been discussed above, the results of this study also show that pregnant women should avoid using cinnamon as a means of inducing labor because it has some serious health risks for them and their babies. Nahas and Moher (2009), state that this is mainly because it might bring about premature labor which the child might not be able to survive. Cinnamon has the ability of inducing premature labor or uterine contractions and this creates a situation where despite the desires of the mother, the baby might be born too soon. Under these circumstances, it is often difficult to know whether it will survive or not and this might cause serious distress on the part of the mother. Furthermore, there is also a situation where the expectant mother herself might be put at risk because the induced labor might cause her to develop complications during birth. It is necessary for there to be caution when using cinnamon sticks as a means of inducing labor because, like the study conducted above, this study also concludes that it might result in putting the baby in unnecessary risk especially in a situation where there is excessive toxicity caused through heavy consumption. However, this study comes to the conclusion that the consumption of cinnamon in small quantities during pregnancy does not bring about many risks and in fact ensures that the mother becomes healthier. Despite this, cinnamon sticks, when consumed for the purpose of inducing labor can be very risky for both the mother and child. The methodology used in this research is sound because there is a combination of interviews and questionnaires with individuals who have used cinnamon sticks before as well as information acquired from obstetricians who have dealt with such issues before and the use of secondary sources. Therefore, it is through the diversified form of data collection and analysis that this study has ensured credibility. Its major weakness, however, is that it concentrates more on the issue of the usage of cinnamon sticks as an agent of inducing premature labor rather than the one which takes place when the baby has come to term and this seems to be a one-sided approach.
Woehrlin, et al (2010) argue that there are situations where cinnamon stick usage in inducing pregnancy might have undesired effects on the expectant mother and this is especially as a result of its coumarin content. This study shows that regular cinnamon sticks tend to have high levels of coumarin within them and this is a substance which has health risks because it might cause liver failure of taken on a daily basis in order to induce labor. Regular cinnamon sticks, especially the Cassia variety, tend to have as a much as 5% coumarin content and this might be considered to be dangerous for an expectant mother because a case of liver failure might not only be risky for her, but for her baby as well because the means of cleaning blood in the body will have been interrupted. In such a situation, it would be essential to ensure that when expectant mothers wish to induce labor, they shift to using the Ceylon variety of cinnamon sticks because this only contains some 0.04% coumarin, which is essentially negligible since it allows the user to ingest it without any risk to themselves or their baby. Through the provision of figures, this study shows an in depth analysis of the different variety of cinnamon sticks and the varieties that can safely be used during pregnancy to induce labor. The researcher in this study shows an awareness to detail as shown through the description of the different cinnamon varieties that are discussed as well as the development of a new perspective concerning them. There is an implication that despite the risks that have been stated above, cinnamon can still be used effectively to induce labor, as long as it is the variety that contains lesser coumarin content. This study, however, discusses the risks involved in using cinnamon in high doses on a daily basis because it might bring about a situation where high levels of coumarin leads to liver failure in the expectant mother and this might also have a negative effect on the baby. The detailed research that is conducted can be used as a means of showing that despite the many adverse effects that they might have, cinnamon sticks can still be used, in small doses, to induce labor.
There are certain situations where cinnamon sticks act as a blood thinner and this can be risky for an expectant mother because if she uses them to induce labor, she might end up suffering from excessive blood loss during delivery. Khan et al (2003) state thatOne of the most common characteristics of cinnamon is as a blood thinner and this creates a situation where it can be extremely useful for those individuals who suffer from heart disease. This is because cinnamon acts as an anti-clotting agent and it provides the individual who uses it the ability to have their blood move faster in the body. However, there are situations where it is possible that it might have the same effect when it is used to induce labor and this can be detrimental in the health of the expectant mother because it makes it difficult for her blood to clot after birth. Therefore, while cinnamon sticks might have the desired effect of inducing labor in expectant mothers, it is also accompanied by health risks which are not anticipated and this might lead to the death of a mother. It is therefore essential that all possible precautions be taken in using cinnamon sticks because it is through these precautions that it is possible to know the best variety to use. The study agrees with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health by showing that the Cassia cinnamon has the highest blood thinning properties and it is for this reason that it should be avoided as an agent of inducing pregnancy and expectant mothers should instead use Ceylon cinnamon sticks for the purpose because it has lesser blood thinning properties. The study also warns that cinnamon sticks should not be taken alongside blood thinning medication because they might have an adverse effect on the health of the expectant mother. This study is essential to this research because it allows for the evaluation of the blood thinning properties of cinnamon sticks that might have an effect on the user and the methodology used is sound since it allows for an assessment of the different varieties of cinnamon. While this study concentrates on the medicinal properties of cinnamon, it also tackles how these same properties might negatively affect the user, especially if it is an expectant mother wishing to induce labor.
Akilen, et al. (2012) recognize that a number of people, although a minority, are allergic to cinnamon and this creates a situation where it is difficult to predict its effect on an expectant mother wishing to induce pregnancy. For a woman who does not always use this spice, cinnamon sticks might create a situation where it is difficult for them to cope with the various side effects such as having an upset stomach or facial and hand swelling as well as dizziness. All of these are highly risky for an expectant mother because they not only endanger her, but they also endanger her baby. Under such circumstances, the woman might end up losing her balance and falling as a result of dizziness and this fall might take place under conditions that might be harmful for the baby. Furthermore, there are situations where as a result of an allergic reaction, an expectant mother comes to experience an unusual heartbeat as well as a sudden drop of blood pressure which might not be good for the baby because under such circumstances, she might end up losing it because she cannot get medical attention fast enough. Those individuals who are allergic to cinnamon react differently to its different varieties and it is essential that before using it to induce labor, expectant mothers find out which variety that might be allergic to. Without such knowledge, such mothers might be putting their babies at risk because the latter might develop a serious reaction through the mother consuming cinnamon and this might lead to their death. This study deals with the allergies that are involved as a result of the consumption of cinnamon sticks by expectant mothers and it allows one to understand the significance of knowing the variety of cinnamon that is to be consumed before using it as a means of inducing labor. In this way, it is possible to ensure that both the mother and the baby are protected from the complications that might arise as a result of using cinnamon sticks to induce labor.
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