Friday, November 30, 2018

Obesity in South Carolina

Obesity is a serious health issue in the United States its prevalence growing higher every year and not only has it become a nationwide epidemic but for the last twenty years, the number of people who are overweight and obese has increased dramatically. Obesity is a disease that affects many people in South Carolina, with this state having the seventh highest prevalence rate in the United States (Coley, 2008). Obesity means having excess body fat and adults who are over thirty five years of age and have a body mass index (BMI) of over thirty are considered to be obese. Obesity is not only an aesthetic concern but also a medical one because it is a chronic disease which can lead to other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, among many others. It is a very difficult disease to treat with a high relapse rate and more than ninety five percent of those who lose weight regain this weight within five years.
Even though medications and diets can be of help, these cannot be viewed as a solution and instead, those affected by obesity have to have a long term commitment to proper eating habits, increased physical activity and having regular exercise. There are several causes of obesity which include the following: overeating, having a diet full of simple carbohydrates, frequency in eating, having a slow metabolism, physical inactivity, psychological factors, among many others. Research has shown that the probability an individual becoming overweight or obese is significantly related with how the community in which an individual lives is laid out. People who live in communities with convenient, safe walking paths and easy access to fruits and vegetables may be more physically active and have healthier diets while on the other hand, people who live in communities where crime rates are high, numerous places where alcohol is sold, and access to open space and fresh food is limited may have a high potential for obesity. All of these can be controlled either through medical treatment or the personal discipline of the individual affected by this disease. The goal for the treatment of obesity is the patient gaining a healthier weight and not necessarily the ideal weight that he or she desires.
By the year two thousand and nine, the state of South Carolina had some of the worst overweight and obese rates in the United States with three out of every five adults in the state being either overweight or obese. Further research done by the Medical University of South Carolina (2012) showed that four out of every five adult in this state did not take the recommended number of five servings of fruit and vegetables per day and that half of the adults did not get the recommended amount of physical activity required in order to avoid obesity. Of those South Carolinians who were obese, over thirty five percent of them had high blood pressure, and a significant number of them had diabetes and coronary heart disease. This data serves to show how serious the problem of obesity has become within this state and the need for even greater efforts to be made to ensure that its prevalence is reduced and eventually eradicated.
In the nineteen eighties, what a person weighed in South Carolina was essentially their own concern, however, this was before the emergence of statistics that revealed the startling fact that sixty five percent of all adult Americans were overweight and that seventeen percent of all American children and teens were also either overweight or obese. Since the nineteen sixties, obesity in the United States has more than tripled and this has happened regardless of the sex or race of the people who are affected by it. It has been estimated that today, over thirty percent of all adult Americans can be considered obese and in additions, some thirteen percent of all children aged between the ages of six and eleven are considered overweight and are well on their way to becoming obese (Sakarcan, & Jerrell, 2007).
Both the federal and state governments as well as healthcare providers have labeled obesity as an epidemic due to the fact that it causes over three hundred thousand deaths every year and costs the economy billions of dollars in treatment. This has led many to ask the government to take steps to ensure that this epidemic is curbed within the state but this has been difficult because it would be an infringement on the rights of individuals. The government has been hesitant because the right to live whatever lifestyle one wishes to live is enshrined in the constitution and for the government to dictate what such a person should do in matters concerning their health would be a violation of this right. This is the reason why the government has been very hesitant to get involved in this matter directly and has instead launched campaigns all over the state to encourage and educate people how to live a healthy lifestyle that will prevent obesity and the complications that come with it.
The availability of local health data can be a very useful tool for the improvement of the health of the community within which this data is collected. It can show both the reality of problems and opportunities for their improvement. It can also give guidance to local action in support of the policy changes of government and help to improve the effectiveness of programs which have been put in place. However, the attempts which are being made to increase the accessibility and use of local health data faces many technical and institutional barriers, some of which have to do with concerns about health information privacy. Data sources can therefore be used in the determination of healthcare for the obese in the community. They help in the identification of this emerging health problem within the community and provide the information that is necessary in determining who within this community should be targeted for the treatment of their condition.
Furthermore, it helps in finding out exactly which age group is most likely to be affected by obesity and in doing so, ensures that those who would have become the victims of this epidemic are given the proper information which will enable them to change their lifestyles and live healthy lives (Singleton, 2007). These data sources are able to provide the information which is much needed for the identification of the obese levels in the community hence helping in finding the solutions whose purpose would be to curb the rising levels of obesity in the state of South Carolina. By doing this, the government will therefore be able to take the proper measures which are required to take care of this emergent healthcare issue within the community. Data sources ensure that healthcare issues (in this case obesity) are identified early enough and that they are dealt with quickly before they turn out to be uncontrollable.
Data sources ensure that the government has a comprehensive strategy which it can use to take preemptive measures to prevent the further increase of obesity within the state. Moreover, they provide the information and statistics which the government and the healthcare system needs to determine what it is going to do with the situation in the current situation, and in future if the problem continues to persist. This information enables those involved in future planning to get the full knowledge of the condition and this can be used to determine how the condition emerges and what steps can be taken to ensure that even if it is not completely eradicated, then it is at least controlled. Clinical data holds the prospect of helping in the transformation of South Carolina’s healthcare system (Gilliard, Egan, Lackland, & Woolson, 2004). It can do this by providing a greater insight to patients with obesity, the healthcare providers involved, and policy makers into the appropriate application of interventions, and quality and costs of care, these data offer the opportunity to accelerate progress in the finding of a solution to this problem.
Because the information from data sources are very important for the decision making which takes place at the state level concerning health, and that these decisions end up affecting millions of lives, it is necessary for there to be an accurate means for its collection. With this in mind, the strength and weaknesses of the data collected should be analyzed before it is put into any use. The need for the supplementation of this data with information from other sources should be considered so that there is no bias when a final decision is made concerning the use of the data. Those involved in the use of this data should also make sure that no information that could be crucial to the stakeholders is missing because if it is, then it would be disastrous to all those people involved. State policymakers should ensure that they regard all the information that has been gathered critically and from there come up with effective solutions which are in line with this information. In this way, there will be an assurance that the best is being done for the targeted group of the healthcare policy.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Childhood Obesity

According to Burniat (2002, p.15) obesity means an excess amount of body fat but not general agreement as yet exists on the lowest definition of obesity in children. A number of factors contribute to a child becoming obese and these include genetics, lifestyle habits, or a combination of both. Childhood obesity is an increasing problem all over the world that affects an estimated seventeen percent of all children in the United States which is three times the rate it was only a generation ago. Tessner and Hagen (2006, p.20) states that childhood obesity can have a harmful effect on the body of a child in various ways and it has been determined that these children are more likely to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, these children have an increased risk of having impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and may also have diabetes. Obese children are also prone to having breathing problems and they may further develop asthma. Socially and psychologically, these obese children are likely to have problems such as being discriminated against and having low self esteem and these problems are likely to continue way into their adulthood. Obese children have a high likelihood of becoming obese adults and this is associated with several serious health conditions which include heart disease and some types of cancers.
Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that occurs in children who are well above the normal weight for their age and height. It is a very troubling problem because the extra weight often puts the children affected on a path that leads to health problems that one would only expect to see confined to adults, such as high blood pressure among others. It is a global problem and is steadily affecting many middle income and low income countries (which previously had very few cases of childhood obesity) especially in their urban areas, and its prevalence in these countries is increasing at an alarming rate. The largest number of obese children is however mostly found in developed countries due to the fact that they have more resources. Because children grow at different rates, it is a very difficult task for their parents to know whether their child obese or not and it is always best to have a doctor measure the child’s weight in comparison with his or her height to determine whether he or she is in a healthy weight range.
Childhood obesity, being a global problem, is increasingly affecting both the developing and the developed countries alike but at different rates, depending on the economic conditions prevailing in such countries. The problem seems to be aggravated by the transitions in nutritional and physical activity that are currently taking place and are leading to an increase in the use of energy saving devices, the availability of cheap high calorie dense foods, and the limited participation of these children in physical activities both at home and at school. In some cultures in Africa and Asia, for example, the situation is further complicated due to the social and cultural beliefs that associate being obese and overweight with being signs of wealth and prestige.
One of the main reasons why more and more children are becoming obese is the fact that many of them spend more time in front of televisions, computers, or video games and therefore have less time for physical activity. The busy schedules and lifestyles which the families of today have results in their not having enough time to prepare home cooked meals full of nutrients and instead, they have the tendency of ordering extremely unhealthy fast food, which contributes to the growing obesity among modern children. Bagchi (2010, p.233) states that childhood obesity may lead to some children being miserable about their weight, and these are more prone than those of regular weight to develop unhealthy eating habits and disorders such as anorexia. They are also more prone to depression and are at a great risk of getting involved in the abuse of addictive substances.
There are many ways through which childhood obesity can be prevented and we shall discuss some of them. Children adopting healthy lifestyle habits which include eating healthy and participating in physical activity lowers the likelihood of their becoming obese. According to Poskitt (2008) schools can also play a very significant role for obese children by setting up a secure and encouraging atmosphere for them with practices which support healthy behaviors. Schools should also make available chances for students to gain knowledge about and put into practice healthy eating and bodily behavior. A part of the resolution of the problem of obesity in childhood would be the reintroduction of compulsory physical activities in all the public schools. This would enable children to get the exercise which they normally do not get at home due to the availability of visual media which gives them little time for any kind of exercise.
One of the best strategies in combating childhood obesity is for parents to introduce a healthy diet and exercise habits not only to the children but also to the whole family so that the children are able to follow the example of their seniors and do not feel left out just because of their weight. Koplan and Kraak (2005, p.319) state that in infancy, breastfeeding and the delaying of the introduction of solid foods may help to prevent obesity but in early childhood, children should be given healthy, low fat snacks and their parents should introduce them to moderate physical activities every day. According to the Committee on Obesity Prevention Policies for Young Children (2012) older children, on the other hand, should be educated on how to choose healthy and nutritious foods and should be persuaded to develop good exercise habits. Parents should also reinforce good eating habits to their children in order to ensure that their children’s weight is kept under control. Moreover, these parents should also avoid rewarding their children with sweets in an attempt to reward them for their good behavior or to stop them from behaving badly and should instead come up with alternative methods to modify their children’s behavior.
However, they should also be very careful not to completely eliminate their children’s favorite snacks, even if they are junk food, from their diet because the children might just decide to rebel against their parent’s directive and over eat those foods that they have been forbidden outside of the home or they might sneak them in on their own. Parents should also be aware that forcing their children to finish all the food in their plates, even when they are full, is a big contributor in the development of childhood obesity and that they should instead reinforce the idea that their children should only eat when they are hungry. The Institute of Medicine (2006, p.150) declares that the amount of time which children spend using any kind of visual media in the home should be strictly moderated by their parents because they are one of the reasons why the levels of physical activities have gone down in children and in the process making them obese. Parents should be good role models for their children by engaging in physical activities with them for at least an hour daily.
In conclusion, it is imperative that the issue of childhood obesity be dealt with decisively by all the parties concerned be it the parents, the children themselves, and the government. The government should take the initiative to deal with this issue because if it is not dealt with now, then there are going to be a lot of health problems due to the various illnesses that result from obesity. Obesity is a growing problem all over the world due to the changing lifestyle that is becoming prevalent especially to children whose major forms of entertainment are quickly changing from physical activities such as sports which provide exercise and going into the entertainment provided by visual media which do not require any physical activity to indulge in. Furthermore, action against childhood obesity is very important to ensure that the welfare of all children is well taken care of to prevent any occurrence of diseases related to it.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Obesity in America

Obesity is a serious health issue in the United States its prevalence growing higher every year and not only has it become a nationwide epidemic but for the last twenty years, the number of people who are overweight and obese has increased dramatically. Obesity is a disease that affects many people in the United States and it means an individual having excess body fat and adults who are over thirty five years of age and have a body mass index of over thirty are considered to be obese. Obesity is not only a visual concern but also a health one because it is a chronic disease which can lead to other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, among many others. It is a very difficult disease to treat with a high relapse rate and more than ninety five percent of those who lose weight regain this weight within a few years. This is the reason why the youth should be provided with the education necessary to ensure that they develop habits which keep them from becoming obese as adults.
By the year 2009, the state of South Carolina, for example, had some of the worst overweight and obese rates in the United States with three out of every five adults in the state being either overweight or obese. Further research done by the Medical University of South Carolina (326) showed that four out of every five adult in this state did not take the recommended number of five servings of fruit and vegetables per day and that half of the adults did not get the recommended amount of physical activity required in order to avoid obesity. Of those South Carolinians who were obese, over thirty five percent of them had high blood pressure, and a significant number of them had diabetes and coronary heart disease. This data serves to show how serious the problem of obesity has become within this nation and the need for even greater efforts to be made to ensure that its prevalence is reduced and eventually eradicated. One of the means through which the youth can be educated is by ensuring that they are shown these statistics so that they know just what is at risk when they become obese. The knowledge of the risk to the lives of young people would encourage them to live a healthier lifestyle.
The consumption of fast food has influenced parents to stop cooking at home, and many children in contemporary America have grown up eating fast food. While it has made life easier for many parents, who only have to buy the cheap fast food for their children, it has also come to affect the lives of these children in a negative way. Because of the consumption of fast food, many children in America have developed health problems, becoming overweight and obese (Graff, et al, 392). It can, therefore, be seen that although fast food has had a considerable influence on the eating habits of Americans, it has contributed a vast deal in the development of health problems related to fast food consumption. It can be said that the only way for young people to develop into adults responsible for their health is by ensuring that they have a healthy diet from the time they are young. The consumption of fast food should be done sparingly and parents should discourage their children from consuming it.
In the 1980s, what a person weighed in the United States was essentially their own concern, however, this was before the emergence of information that revealed the startling fact that sixty five percent of all adult Americans were overweight and that seventeen percent of all American children and teens were also either overweight or obese. Since the 1960s, obesity in the United States has more than tripled and this has happened regardless of the sex or race of the people who are affected by it. It has been estimated that today, over thirty percent of all adult Americans can be considered obese and in addition, some thirteen percent of all children aged between the ages of six and eleven are considered overweight and are well on their way to becoming obese (Sakarcan, & Jerrell 6). This information is extremely disturbing for since it means that most of the American population is at risk, and to prevent it will require the education of the youth to ensure that they grow into healthy adults. The only way to do this is for their parents and the administration of their schools to ensure that only the healthiest food that is available is served both at home at school. This will encourage the youth to get used to a healthy diet and will enable them to develop into healthy adults with no problems of being obese or overweight.
Both the federal and state governments as well as healthcare providers have labeled obesity as an epidemic due to the fact that it causes over three hundred thousand deaths every year and costs the American economy billions of dollars in treatment. This has led many to ask the government to take steps to ensure that this epidemic is curbed within the nation but this has been difficult because it would be an infringement on the rights of individuals. The government has been hesitant because the right to live whatever lifestyle one wishes to live is enshrined in the American Constitution and for the government to dictate what such a person should do in matters concerning their health would be a violation of this right. This is the reason why the government has been very hesitant to get involved in this matter directly and has instead launched campaigns all over the nation to encourage and educate people how to live a healthy lifestyle that will prevent obesity and the complications that come with it. This has helped a lot in increasing the awareness of the American youth concerning this epidemic.


Diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world today that kills millions every year. It is a disease which if not detected early can cause a lot of suffering and even threaten the life of the person with the disease. However, with proper management of the disease, one can live a long, normal and happy life while performing all the activities that one would like to except for those restricted by the doctor. I have chosen to deal with diabetes because some members of my family have been found to have it and it is possible that it is a genetic condition. I would like to help them as best as I can by learning more about the disease as well as its early symptoms so that the risk of its getting another member of my family, or me, by surprise is minimized.
According to Nordqvist, diabetes describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, either because insulin production in the body is inadequate or the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both occur at the same time. Furthermore, he states that people with diabetes experience frequent urination, become increasingly thirsty and hungry. Ferry states that the following are the major symptoms of diabetes: constant tiredness; unexplained weight loss; excessive thirst; excessive urination; excessive eating; poor wound healing; infections such as yeast infections of the genitals, skin infections and frequent urinary tract infections; altered mental status shown through agitation, unexplained irritability, inattention, extreme lethargy or confusion; and finally, blurred vision. If a person experiences these symptoms, he or she should call a health care professional for assistance.
There are many factors that contribute to one’s getting diabetes which include genetics, lifestyle, and the environment in which a person lives. Family history (genetics) is a factor in the development of diabetes but it alone does not determine the onset of the disease and as Chandler states some people are born with a predisposition for the disease but that environmental factors are needed to trigger the disease. Age is also a factor in determining whether one has diabetes or whether he has the potential to have it and an example of this is in the case of juvenile diabetes which is usually diagnosed during childhood or young adulthood. Obesity is a major risk factor with eighty to ninety percent of all diabetes patients being obese. A high fat diet and extra body fat can make the liver increase the production of glucose. A lack of physical activity in addition to contributing to obesity also increases the risk of developing diabetes because during exercise, the cells in the body take in seven to twenty times more glucose than it does at rest.
Stoppler declares that while genetics play an important role, an individual still has the responsibility to take very good care of their health to prevent diabetes. She insists that people should watch their weight and exercise more to ensure that the probability of getting the disease especially those with a genetic predisposition to do so, is greatly reduced. Furthermore, diet is also important because it helps with weight loss because there are some foods such as nuts which when consumed in small amounts provide benefits in blood sugar regulation. There are some tests available which can be used to see whether a person is at an increased risk of getting the disease and these should be done frequently to ensure that there is early detection of the disease. Smoking is harmful in many ways because it not only increases the risk of cancer and heart disease, but it also increases the risk of developing diabetes.
There are numerous national organizations that conduct research and provide information and physical referrals for cases of diabetes. A very good example is of this is Diabetes Australia, which is an Australian non – profit organization which works in partnership with diabetes consumer organizations, health professionals, educators, and researchers to minimize the impact of diabetes in the Australian community. According to the organization’s website, it is a national federated body that comprises of state and territory organizations which support people with diabetes. Moreover, it also co – operates with those professional and research bodies that are particularly concerned with the treatment and prevention of diabetes. The purpose of this organization is to help those people affected by or those at risk of being affected by diabetes, and to contribute in searching for a cure. It collaborates with other diabetes organizations in Australia to provide practical assistance, information, and subsidized products to the over one million Australians diagnosed with the disease.
Mendosa, S says that adjusting to the knowledge that one, or one’s family member, has diabetes is very hard on most people and it takes time and it is therefore recommended that one meets other people who have been in, or are in a similar situation. These people can offer understanding, help, and support during this time and a good way of finding this help is by joining an online support group which offer people living with diabetes a chance to meet and share their experiences with others online. Most of these support groups are run by volunteers who are regularly online and they not only provide support and information but are also involved in fundraising, campaigning to improve the local and general diabetes services, planning social events and outings, and running awareness raising activities online.
According to Mathur the major goal in treating diabetes is to minimize any elevation of blood sugar without causing abnormally low levels of blood sugar in the body and to achieve this end, diabetes is treated first by weight reduction, a diabetic diet and exercise and when these measures fail to control elevated blood sugar levels, then oral medications are used. If oral medications become insufficient, treatment with insulin is considered as the final option in treating diabetes. Adherence to a diabetic diet as well as weight reduction and exercise are important treatments for diabetes especially the latter which increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin and in the process helps control blood sugar elevations.
In conclusion, we have seen that diabetes is a disease which affects a large percentage of the human population worldwide. We have described the factors which are involved in one’s acquiring it, the symptoms which are displayed when one is affected and we have looked at the process through which it can be treated. Frequent medical checkups can help in the early detection of this disease and its treatment before it develops into something that is unmanageable. Once this is done, then it will ensure the prevention of the further advancement of the disease and with ongoing research, it is only a matter of time before a more permanent cure is found.